Up at 8, and wake Ulla. Breakfast at 8.15.
Rain even heavier than yesterday, but at least no wind.
Husky puppies happily wander about in the sun, saturated, fighting and playing with their mother.

Ulla and I write letters until lunch at 12. This is a fine Cold Table. Afterwards the rain turns to sleety snow for a while. We read our books on the Hurry Inlet.

Coffee at 3. Write letters and look at aerial photos until 6 when we have supper. This is a strange deep-frozen beef which could be whale!

More work in our rooms after we have attempted and failed to walk over to the mountain opposite Ullas window (snow and melt-water to deep).
At 9 coffee is served again. Tove has felt very sick sinse supper, but recovers over coffee. I leave them all chatting at 10.30 for my bed.
Ulla wakes me at midnight to say the sun is shining and Traill Ø is visible across the fjord but I am too tired to go and look.

Mestersvig Base