Lovely weather, calm sea.
After Breakfast we go swimming at 8:30 out on the reef. Sonny soon comes comes out in his catamaran to see us – a little disappointed that we didn’t use him.

We enjoy the clear water on the reef and I regret not taking a camera – see a very photogenic round ray on the bottom.
At 10:30 we are at Senaka’s shop and chat a few minutes while his cars arrive – we then are driven to his home with a group of extremely plebeian Danes. In conversation in Sanaka’s house it transpires that one man is a 2nd-hand car salesman, with his wife and two daughters, and the other man is a mechanic who always travels with them. They were in Gambia 3 months ago and are returning to Ceylon in 3 months time!
For Sanaka’s wife’s birthday many family members are assembled. We Europeans eat first, with hands. The pleb. girls do very badly but the men, who have tried it before, do well and scold the girls!
It’s an enjoyable experience – with only warm water to drink!
See the earrings being worked on . the aged jewel smiths recognize me – and the Danes examine bejewelled elephants which, when resold in Denmark could pay for another holiday here!
The rich car dealer is very interested.
Senaka’s driver drives Ulla Asgaard and me down to Galle Fort at 3 and leaves us here to wander round.
A fine fort with coral reef beyond. Locals with masks scour this reef for shells and coral to sell to tourists – not a preserved area.
We admire buildings and trees, views and boats and take photos. Dilly-dally over tea in the New Oreantal Hotel (disturbed at first by noisy nouveau-riche Sinhalese family outside with their status-symbols: transistor radio, camper vehicle etc.).
Disappointed to find the markets mostly closed by 5.
Catch a train and enjoy the ride to Hikkaduwa. (Long stop in Dodanduwa, where coconut salesmen do good business along the train while we wait for the down-train to pass us.)

Snifter in the hotel, supper, a little diary writing.
Bed at 10:30