Welcome to Richard Bromley’s website.
This page is maintained by Peter Bromley, and contains a series of photographs taken by Ulla and Richard on their many travels. All pictures unless otherwise noted, are taken by them, and scanned by Peter Bromley.
Richard kept a thorough journal of his travels, and took more than 150.000 photos.
Many of these were developed by himself in his darkroom.
These combined are the basis of this site.
However, “new” entries, are backdated to the day of the event (when possible). Therefore it is difficult to see what new entries have been posted since your last visit, since they don’t pop up on the front page.
If you wish to be informed about new posts on the site, you can subscribe to the newsletter, were we will inform about updates and changes.
You are also more than welcome to leave a comment on any page, or an entry in his guestbook. As long as you keep a civil tone.
If you are a Danish visitor, please take a look at Ulla’s website as well.