Sledge-dog puppies (and more map tracing) – Greenland 1970

Up 7:30 to sunny weather again. Trace maps from air photos all morning, Tove Birkelund working as usual in the next room. Ulla Asgaard reads stratigraphy.

After lunch Finn Surlyk comes over to discuss territorial problems in Hurry Inlet. Then I finish Perry Mason (the case of the moth-eaten mink – absolutely rubbish) and pass it on to Tove who says she’ll take it into the field. We hear that the handy-man here earns 100.000 kr/year tax-free and has bought a large house and much land on Denmark’s west coast!

I write to Ravenscroft, a letter to put in the envelope on which we put the whole series of Greenland stamps (minus the muskox!).

Jameson Land, East Greenland
Jameson Land, East Greenland

After supper I stare at the dogs for a while. The lone pup of great fatness has cautiously joined the litter of four, their mothers have become reconciled, and walk side by side with the young male. The pups are increasingly active and run effectively about the road now, sleeping in heeps under the steps of the houses.

The husky puppies fast a sleep under the stairs in front og one of the cabins – Mestersvig Base 1970

My letter is finished, and Ulla finishes hers to her parents and begins one to Kay before supper.
We pack our things.

Bed at 10:30

Mestersvig Base
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Geologist, Ichnologist, Author and Member of The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters.

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